Wavecom has opened a server store
Lately, more and more customers approach us with requests to buy a server. With time, the company's needs can grow so high that server rent does not pay off in the long run. Then it’s time to to buy a server.
We offer a wide range of refurbished HPE Enterprise servers. Usually we have around 150 servers in our stock. In case server is out of stock, it will be shipped and will arrive on the next working day. You can choose the exact server configuration that you need. You can also find servers that are suitable for storage and graphics processor specific solutions.
2 months free housing with server purchase. If you host a server with us, you will get 2 years onsite warranty and our engineers and server parts stock are 30 m away from your server. Wavecom’s new and innovative data center provides ideal conditions for housing your server without having to worry about power outages, voltage fluctuations, security issues or hardware maintenance.