Significant change in the management - Andres Kukk joined the owners circle
In the beginning of 2019, the ownership of AS WaveCom was changed - Andres Kukk became the new owner together with Kristian Liivak as Marika Pensa left.
Andres has more than 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur, manager and investor in the technology sector. He has been a partner of Helmes AS for over two decades and has been responsible for corporate customer infrastructure and business critical e-health solutions for Helmes. With long-term experience and skills, Andres will focus on business development and marketing of AS Wavecom. The long-term CEO and founder Kristian Liivak will continue the day-to-day management of AS WaveCom and develop new innovative technical solutions. Both owners belong to the management board of the company.
From the new year, Janno Oja, Lenno Oja, Ove Muuk and Indrek Jürgenson are the new advisory board members.
For 15 years, Janno Oja has been the CEO and partner of Excellent Business Solutions Eesti AS, the only representative of Hansaworld ERP business software in Estonia. Janno is currently managing the work of the advisory Board of Excellent Business Solutions Eesti AS.
Lenno Oja is CEO of Excellent Business Solutions Eesti AS. Previously, Lenno has worked for fifteen years at Nordea Bank and has been a customer segment manager for corporate customers. In addition, Lenno worked at SEB Bank.
Indrek Jürgenson has more than 20 years of experience in both management and IT. Today, Indrek is active as Cleveron's software development manager. Previously he was the CIO and CEO of Olympic Entertainment Group.
Ove Muuk is a leader with long-term experience in international business development and technology processes. He has headed various financial services and product and business development units at SEB Group, also Telecommunication Settlement and IT Division in Tele2. As a partner, he is supervising software development and operations at AS Helmes.
The changes are due to rapid development and growth of AS WaveCom, which also requires an updated management model. In the near future, AS WaveCom plans to increase its market share, continue to develop existing services and bring new innovative services to the market. In particular, it focuses on serving demanding IT and technology companies. The vision of our company is to be a world-class, innovative provider with highest possible customer satisfaction.
Muudatused on tingitud AS WaveCom’i kiirest arengust ja kasvust, mis nõuab ka uuenenud juhtimismudelit. Lähiajal plaanib AS WaveCom turuosa suurendamist, seniste teenuste jätkuvat arendust ning uute innovaatiliste teenuste turule toomist. Eelkõige keskendutakse nõudlike IT ja tehnoloogia ettevõtete teenindamisele. Ettevõtte visiooniks on olla maailmatasemel, innovaatiline ja kõrgeima võimaliku kliendirahuloluga serveriteenuste pakkuja.