PHP X-Ray and AccelerateWP help speed up a slow page
The most important feature of a web page is its speed. Practice shows that if the page is slow, the client will not stay on the website for long. To increase the competitiveness of the website, WaveCom offers top quality hardware and management software for the web hosting service.

The most important feature of a web page is its speed. Practice shows that if the page is slow, the client will not stay on the website for long. To increase the competitiveness of the website, WaveCom offers top quality hardware and management software for the web hosting service.
Unfortunately, faster hardware does not always help against a slow page, the biggest factor in determining page speed is the website code itself. Unoptimized code can add several seconds to the opening of a web page and significantly worsen the customer's experience.
WaveCom will offers the new "PHP X-Ray" solution in all web hosting services from autumn 2022. The working principle of PHP X-Ray is web page speed monitoring as well as slow code detection. PHP X-Ray is the webmaster's best tool for both specific website solutions and common content management platforms.
The PHP X-Ray website report provides an overview of the most time-consuming PHP functions, database queries, generated HTTP requests, as well as WordPress plugins. Based on this information, an IT specialist with at least basic knowledge can draw conclusions about the reasons why the page opens slowly.

You can already find PHP X-Ray in the cPanel admin panel under the Software category. You can find the PHP X-Ray user guide in our Help Center.

WaveCom also offers the AccelerateWP solution in all web hosting services. The working principle of AccelerateWP is to provide relevant optimizations for fast page operation and recommendations in cooperation with the PHP X-Ray solution. AccelerateWP can only be installed on a page that would really benefit from it - it cannot be installed on a fast website.

AccelerateWP is a useful set of modules for almost every webmaster to optimize their pages. With AccelearteWP, the most visited and slowest pages are buffered to present them to clients with lower performance and effort. Using the buffer system, it is possible to bring the apparent speed of the web page to tens of milliseconds. Perfect for a website where most of the content is static and doesn't change much.
The two main modules are "Site Opimization" (WordPress plugin) and "Object Cache" (Redis database based).
AccelerateWP can also already be found in the cPanel admin panel under the Software category.