The management system of WaveCom passed regular audits excellently.

Auditeerimine läks suurepäraselt, sest mittevastavusi ei leitud. Välisauditi tulemused tõestasid, et ettevõtte kvaliteedi, infoturbe ning käideldavuse süsteem toimib efektiivselt ning vastab ISO 9001 ja 27001 standardite nõuetele.

data center

Septembris toimusid AS WaveCom´is kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi korralised välisauditid, mille viisid läbi Bureau Veritas audiitorid.Kogu sertifitseerimistsükkel kestis kaks kuud. Protsess algas partnerite poolt läbiviidud siseauditiga, mille raames uuendati ettevõtte dokumentatsiooni, täiendati infoturbe meetmeid ja protsesse ning koolitati töötajaid. Teenusplatvormi ja andmekeskuse arendustegevuste käigus tõstsime teenuste käideldavust ning turvalisust.  Sertifitseerimistsükli lõpetas edukalt läbitud Bureau Veritas´e välisaudit.

Tagamaks veelgi kõrgemat võimalikku käideldavust ja turvet on meie teenuste platvormid saanud olulisi uuendusi. Vahepealsete arenduste tulemusena oleme täiendanud ja parendanud andmekeskuse sõlmi ning võtsime kasutusele uusi kõrgtasemelisi tehnoloogiaid. Eraldi võiks välja tuua VMware Cloud pilveteenuse ülemineku uue põlvkonna HPE Synergy serveriplatvormile. Innovatiivne Synergy platvorm võimaldab oluliselt suuremaid andmeedastusmahte madalama latentsiga, lisaks võeti kasutusele võimsamad protsessorid.

Ettevõtte teenustele kohaldatud ülevaatused ja kontrollid ning ka klientide tagasiside kinnitab selgelt, et ettevõtte poolt osutatavad teenused vastavad nii kliendi kui ka kui ka muudele (ISO9001; 27001 jne) kindlaksmääratud nõuetele ja normidele.

Oleme alati teinud kõik, et tagada kõrgkäideldavate teenuste osas tuumplatvormide tõrgeteta töö. Meie kliendid on meie teenuste parimad hindajad ja tunneme suurt rõõmu, et meie klienditeeninduse tulemuslikkuse üldine rahuolu on 4.7/5.
2021. aasta eesmärk on kasvatada AS WaveCom käivet 25%. Selle aasta esimese 9 kuuga on käive kasvanud 26% ja aasta lõpuks näitavad kalkulatsioonid 28% kasvu.

WaveCom´i andmekeskuste teenuseid kasutavad nõudlikud kliendid nii Eestist kui ka tervest maailmast, sealhulgas Euroopast, Ameerikast ja Aasiast. Klientide ja partnerite jaoks pakub ISO 9001 ja 27001 standardite  vastavus stabiilset kindlustunnet, näitab ettevõtte usaldusväärsust ning tõestab, et oma äris tegutseb WaveCom vastavalt parimatele tunnustatud praktikatele. See võimaldab ettevõttel kasvatada äri nii lokaalselt kui ka rahvusvaheliselt, osaledes kõrgetele infoturbe nõuetele vastavates rahvusvahelistes hangetes ja koostööprojektides.

AS WaveCom on 2001. aastal asutatud Eesti ettevõte, mis pakub kõrgkäideldavaid serveri- ja pilveteenuseid. WaveCom´i missioon on olla ettevõtetele usaldusväärseim partner ja tagada turvatunne ärikriitiliste andmete omanikule. Ettevõtte visioon on olla maailmatasemel, parima võimaliku innovatsiooni ja kliendirahuloluga IT infrastruktuuri majutusteenuste pakkuja. 2018. aastal valminud novaatorlik andmekeskus kasutab ainult kvaliteetseid Schneider Electric / APC uue põlvkonna lahendusi, mille kompromissitu kvaliteet tagavad maksimaalse käideldavuse. Ettevõte on alates 2018. aastast rakendanud andmekeskuse käitlemisel ISO 9001:2015 kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi. 2019. aasta suvel hindas Bureau Veritas WaveCom´i andmekeskuse ja teenused vastavaks ISO 27001:2013 standardile. WaveCom´il on ligi 3000 klienti 65 riigis.


Jaak-Heinrich Jagor
Turundus- ja kommunikatsioonispetsialist

WaveCom AS
Endla 16, 10142 Tallinn
Tel: +372 5685 000


Žiga Podgrajšek


WaveCom has been an exceptional partner, providing IT infrastructure services that are not only reliable but also innovative. Their expertise in VMware vCloud solutions has been instrumental in ensuring secure and efficient hosting and administration services. 

WaveCom's proactive approach to information and advice, as well as their commitment to service levels, has greatly contributed to our success. We are grateful for their continued support and collaboration.  

Žiga Podgrajšek - Head of O&M

Erki Märks


Engaged in software development, we constantly need to quickly create new servers and scale them. For us, owning hardware and dealing with its management is certainly not in line with our goals. After trying out several service providers, we turned to Wavecom, where all our computing needs are covered. The service is also very stable, and it's easy to recommend to our clients to continue using Wavecom's services after development is complete.

The stability of WaveCom's service further led us to start building an automatic Kubernetes platform there, making life significantly easier for both us and our clients. All this is done so that using the service does not require having either DevOps or even IT specialists.

Erki Märks - Partner

Toomas Kornet


Semetron offers modern and professional medical products and equipment, including field hospitals intended for military use, to healthcare providers. We have been in close cooperation with WaveCom for almost 23 years. Wavecom has created a high availability VMware cluster (including VMware hybrid cloud and DRaaS solution) for us and implemented smart network solutions for our mobile field hospitals.

WaveCom's competent team has been responsive and helpful, assisting us in quickly adapting to changing technological needs and challenges. Thanks to their continuous dedication to innovation and customer-centric approach, we have never been disappointed in WaveCom's services or expertise.

Toomas Kornet MD - Partner

Oliver Lepik

Dealing in wholesale of car spare parts, it is extremely important for us that our customer environment functions ultra-fast and seamlessly. WaveCom's cloud service has proven to be the perfect platform for us. We can confidently focus on our core business, knowing that server-related "surprises" are not to be expected. 

The service operates flawlessly. If there are any questions, answers are just a quick phone call away.

Oliver Lepik - CEO

Janno Oja

Excellent Business Solutions

"In case of Wavecom we especially appreciate the precise mapping of our needs and careful tailoring of respective technical solutions.

High availability and security of our client’s data is our main priority. The speed and quality of the support line is also very important. In case of Wavecom we especially appreciate the precise mapping of our needs and careful tailoring of respective technical solutions that ensure security, high availability, speed and quality for both cloud and call center. Quick response is to be expected in the IT business but we have been positively surprised by their proactive and caring attitude and personalized pricing."

Janno Oja – partner

Žiga Podgrajšek


WaveCom has been an exceptional partner, providing IT infrastructure services that are not only reliable but also innovative. Their expertise in VMware vCloud solutions has been instrumental in ensuring secure and efficient hosting and administration services. 

WaveCom's proactive approach to information and advice, as well as their commitment to service levels, has greatly contributed to our success. We are grateful for their continued support and collaboration.  

Žiga Podgrajšek - Head of O&M

Erki Märks


Engaged in software development, we constantly need to quickly create new servers and scale them. For us, owning hardware and dealing with its management is certainly not in line with our goals. After trying out several service providers, we turned to Wavecom, where all our computing needs are covered. The service is also very stable, and it's easy to recommend to our clients to continue using Wavecom's services after development is complete.

The stability of WaveCom's service further led us to start building an automatic Kubernetes platform there, making life significantly easier for both us and our clients. All this is done so that using the service does not require having either DevOps or even IT specialists.

Erki Märks - Partner

Toomas Kornet


Semetron offers modern and professional medical products and equipment, including field hospitals intended for military use, to healthcare providers. We have been in close cooperation with WaveCom for almost 23 years. Wavecom has created a high availability VMware cluster (including VMware hybrid cloud and DRaaS solution) for us and implemented smart network solutions for our mobile field hospitals.

WaveCom's competent team has been responsive and helpful, assisting us in quickly adapting to changing technological needs and challenges. Thanks to their continuous dedication to innovation and customer-centric approach, we have never been disappointed in WaveCom's services or expertise.

Toomas Kornet MD - Partner

Oliver Lepik

Dealing in wholesale of car spare parts, it is extremely important for us that our customer environment functions ultra-fast and seamlessly. WaveCom's cloud service has proven to be the perfect platform for us. We can confidently focus on our core business, knowing that server-related "surprises" are not to be expected. 

The service operates flawlessly. If there are any questions, answers are just a quick phone call away.

Oliver Lepik - CEO

Janno Oja

Excellent Business Solutions

"In case of Wavecom we especially appreciate the precise mapping of our needs and careful tailoring of respective technical solutions.

High availability and security of our client’s data is our main priority. The speed and quality of the support line is also very important. In case of Wavecom we especially appreciate the precise mapping of our needs and careful tailoring of respective technical solutions that ensure security, high availability, speed and quality for both cloud and call center. Quick response is to be expected in the IT business but we have been positively surprised by their proactive and caring attitude and personalized pricing."

Janno Oja – partner

Žiga Podgrajšek


WaveCom has been an exceptional partner, providing IT infrastructure services that are not only reliable but also innovative. Their expertise in VMware vCloud solutions has been instrumental in ensuring secure and efficient hosting and administration services. 

WaveCom's proactive approach to information and advice, as well as their commitment to service levels, has greatly contributed to our success. We are grateful for their continued support and collaboration.  

Žiga Podgrajšek - Head of O&M

Erki Märks


Engaged in software development, we constantly need to quickly create new servers and scale them. For us, owning hardware and dealing with its management is certainly not in line with our goals. After trying out several service providers, we turned to Wavecom, where all our computing needs are covered. The service is also very stable, and it's easy to recommend to our clients to continue using Wavecom's services after development is complete.

The stability of WaveCom's service further led us to start building an automatic Kubernetes platform there, making life significantly easier for both us and our clients. All this is done so that using the service does not require having either DevOps or even IT specialists.

Erki Märks - Partner

Toomas Kornet


Semetron offers modern and professional medical products and equipment, including field hospitals intended for military use, to healthcare providers. We have been in close cooperation with WaveCom for almost 23 years. Wavecom has created a high availability VMware cluster (including VMware hybrid cloud and DRaaS solution) for us and implemented smart network solutions for our mobile field hospitals.

WaveCom's competent team has been responsive and helpful, assisting us in quickly adapting to changing technological needs and challenges. Thanks to their continuous dedication to innovation and customer-centric approach, we have never been disappointed in WaveCom's services or expertise.

Toomas Kornet MD - Partner

Oliver Lepik

Dealing in wholesale of car spare parts, it is extremely important for us that our customer environment functions ultra-fast and seamlessly. WaveCom's cloud service has proven to be the perfect platform for us. We can confidently focus on our core business, knowing that server-related "surprises" are not to be expected. 

The service operates flawlessly. If there are any questions, answers are just a quick phone call away.

Oliver Lepik - CEO

Janno Oja

Excellent Business Solutions

"In case of Wavecom we especially appreciate the precise mapping of our needs and careful tailoring of respective technical solutions.

High availability and security of our client’s data is our main priority. The speed and quality of the support line is also very important. In case of Wavecom we especially appreciate the precise mapping of our needs and careful tailoring of respective technical solutions that ensure security, high availability, speed and quality for both cloud and call center. Quick response is to be expected in the IT business but we have been positively surprised by their proactive and caring attitude and personalized pricing."

Janno Oja – partner
